English Precis & CompositionPSC/CSS

#11: Your Weekly Vocabulary List

Hector, Agrology, Gramarye, Loath, Chur, Prozymite, and Recrudescence.

Your Weekly Vocabulary List

hector , v :
(transitive) To dominate or intimidate in a blustering way; to bully, to domineer. (intransitive) To behave like a hector or bully; to bluster, to swagger; to bully.

agrology , n :
(rare) A subdiscipline of agronomy (the science of utilizing animals, plants, and soils) and of soil science which addresses the influence of edaphic (soil-related) conditions on crop production for optimizing it. (chiefly Canada) The science and art of agriculture. Today is Earth Day, a day for observing the need to protect the Earth.

Gramarye , proper n :
(literary, Arthurian, rare) The island of Britain. Today is Saint George’s Day, the feast day of the patron saint of England.

loath , adj :
Averse, disinclined; reluctant, unwilling. (obsolete) Angry, hostile. (obsolete) Loathsome, unpleasant.

chur , interj :
(New Zealand, informal) A strong voicing of agreement, approval, or thanks: awesome!, cheers!, ta!, thanks!. (New Zealand, informal) A parting salutation: bye, see you later. Today is ANZAC Day in Australia and New Zealand, which commemorates the contributions and sacrifices of those who have served in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations.

prozymite , n :
(Roman Catholicism, historical, derogatory) One who administers the Eucharist with leavened bread, in particular, a member of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Today is marked by the Eastern Orthodox Church in 2019 as Good Friday.

recrudescence , n :
The condition or state being recrudescent; the condition of something (often undesirable) breaking out again or re-emerging after temporary abatement or suppression. (medicine, by extension) The acute recurrence of a disease, or its symptoms, after a period of improvement. (botany) The production of a fresh shoot from a ripened spike.

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#10: Your Weekly Vocabulary List

#9: Your Weekly Vocabulary List

#8: Your Weekly Vocabulary List

#7: Your Weekly Vocabulary List

#6: Your Weekly Vocabulary List

#5: Your Weekly Vocabulary List

#4: Your Weekly Vocabulary List

#3: Your Weekly Vocabulary List

#2: Your Weekly Vocabulary List

#1: Your Weekly Vocabulary List

Naeem Javid

Naeem Javid Muhammad Hassani is working as Deputy Conservator of Forests in Balochistan Forest & Wildlife Department (BFWD). He is the CEO of Tech Urdu (techurdu.net) Forestrypedia (forestrypedia.com), All Pak Notifications (allpaknotifications.com), Essayspedia, etc & their YouTube Channels). He is an Environmentalist, Blogger, YouTuber, Developer & Vlogger.

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